Tuesday, May 27, 2014

3 Year Anniversary

Three years ago today, I married my best friend. The love of my life. Your daddy. It's hard to believe 3 years have passed since that perfect day. That perfect day when we stood up before our family, friends, and God, to declare our love for each other. The love that would be never ending, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad times.

My papa, your great grandpa, talked that day about the peaks and valleys we would undoubtedly experience along the way in our life together. The peaks being like mountaintop experiences, full of joy and laughter. The easy times. The good times. We knew exactly what he was talking about, because May 27th, 2011 was just that, a mountaintop experience. The best day of our lives. Then he spoke of valleys. Something that didn't quite make sense beyond our naive minds, thinking of course there will be hard times. No big deal. Whatever they are, they can't be that bad. We have each other. Little did we know, that less than 3 short years later, we would find ourselves in the deepest, darkest, loneliest valley ever known. Little did we know, we would lose our first born child. We would bury our baby girl. Thank God we can't see the future.

Thankfully, I also remember what Papa said after telling us about the peaks and valleys. He said that no matter where we are in life and no matter kind of experience we are having, to lean on God. To thank Him in the good times. And to reach out to Him, trust in Him, and pray to Him in the bad times. That God would always be there for us. He would never turn His back on us. And thankfully, we have found this to be true. Not only is God there for us, you are there for us, sweet baby girl. Our very own guardian angel.

Although, our life doesn't look like we planned, it is still good. I feel beyond blessed that God gave me your daddy to go through this life with. I wouldn't trade our lives for anything in the world. When I married your daddy 3 years ago, I didn't think it was possible to love him any more than I did that day. Through losing you, my love for your daddy has grown more than I believed imaginable. I may not be the luckiest mother, but I do believe I am the luckiest wife ever. The way your daddy appreciates me and takes care of me, is unexplainable. My life wouldn't be the same without him in it. The strength of our love for each other is like no other, and for that I am grateful. We will never get over losing you baby girl, but we will survive it. We will survive it, while we cherish each other and all that we have been blessed with in this life. We will survive it with you and God by our side.
We will watch our wedding video tonight, like we do on every anniversary. And while this year there is a hole in each of our hearts that can never again be filled, we will remember where our life together began. We will be thankful and blessed for the love we share with one another and with you.


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