Sunday, April 6, 2014

5 months

Almost half a year. How have we lived without seeing your precious face for almost half a year? I can't even let myself wonder too long... What would you be doing at 5 months old? What would you look like? Sometimes, I just don't have the energy. Don't get me wrong, I think about you and what you would be like every single day. But it's no less painful on my mind or my heart, than it was 5 months ago. So I can't allow myself to linger in that place for too long. Especially since I'll never know.

Some of the memories of you and your short time here with us are becoming more pleasant. My pregnancy with you was a very joyful, happy experience for us. Feeling you move and grow inside of me were special, blissful moments. Preparing your nursery and for your arrival was some of the most fun we've ever had. You'll always be our first baby. And of course you already know, you will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Can't wait until the day I can kiss your precious face again.

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