Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter 2015

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rebecca,
    My name is Ashleigh Singh. I too lost my baby girl at 38 weeks and 3 days. A few short weeks after our precious baby's death, LeAnn Fisher told me about your blog. I read all of your posts. I don't know you, yet I feel connected to you-we are both in a group that no mother or father wants to be a part of. Thank you for writing. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Until I could find a support group, I felt completely alone. I felt that I was the only one going through this terrible loss. I felt that what happened to me and to my husband was somehow "taboo". How does a perfectly healthy baby just die so close to birth? Reading your posts helped me cope in those first few weeks, I didn't feel so alone. Someone out there knew what I was going through and could understand. Your writing helped me during the darkest days of my life. Thank you for helping other baby loss moms not feel so alone.
